Xin Xin(辛欣,北京理工大学)

Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing China
Associate Professor

I am currently an associate professor in Beijing Institute of Technology (Director: Prof. Heyan Huang). Before, I obtained the bachelor degree and the master degree (Supervisor: Prof. Juanzi Li) from Tsinghua University (Beijing) in 2006 and 2008, respectively, and obtained the Ph. D degree (Supervisor: Prof. Irwin King and Prof. Michael R. Lyu) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong, China) in 2011. I visited Microsoft Asia under the "Star Track" program (Collaboration Mentor: Chin-Yew Lin) in 2013. My research interests are focusing on the structure prediction problem, based on designing the architecture of probabilistic graphical models and investigating the information fusion technique for heterogeneous features. I have applied these theories in the areas of natural language processing, knowledge engineering, and information retrieval. I select some of my work below.

1. Insterested Theory: Structure Prediction Approaches

1.1 Designing the Architecture of Probabilistic Graphical Models

1.2 Investigating the Information Fusion Technique for Heterogeneous Features

2. Current Group Members

3. Previous Group Members